The Year in Photos 2023 by Jefferson Photography Services

December 19, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

The Year in Photos


Photos by Karen Kirchhoff, Britney Lillya-Calhoun and Ellen Miller

Jefferson Photography Services



This is a curated selection of photos made by Photography Services in 2023. We chose our best images that reflect the work we have made over the past year.

It is not meant as an overview of Jefferson's 2023 accomplishments.


29704-Grammy Awards Dress-154329704-Grammy Awards Dress-1543

January 8

Jefferson Fashion Designers Lauren Schuler, left, and Michaela Day, right, create a dress and accessories for Grammy Awards attendee, local recording artist Gina Zo.


Research as Art Competition-3147Research as Art Competition-3147

 January 23

The first Research as Art Competition is held in Eakins Lounge. Winning images and a selection of additional submissions were exhibited during the awards announcement and reception. 


SKC End of Phase One-2469SKC End of Phase One-2469

 February 10

The Sidney Kimmel Medical College Class of 2025 celebrates the end of Phase One.


Jefferson NJ Gala 2023-3144Jefferson NJ Gala 2023-3144 Jefferson NJ Gala 2023-3103Jefferson NJ Gala 2023-3103

Jefferson NJ Gala 2023-3284Jefferson NJ Gala 2023-3284

  February 25

Hundreds attend the Jefferson Health Foundation New Jersey Gala held in Atlantic City at the Borgata Hotel, Casino and Spa. The event raised nearly $600,000 and included a special performance by Kool & The Gang. Pictured speaking, Baligh Yehia, MD, became president of Jefferson Health at the end of 2022.


SKMC Match Day 2023-3776SKMC Match Day 2023-3776 SKMC Match Day 2023-5604SKMC Match Day 2023-5604 SKMC Match Day 2023-5650SKMC Match Day 2023-5650

  March 17

Match Day was held in Connelly Auditorium where 262 Sidney Kimmel Medical College students found out where they will be doing their residency programs after graduation


SKMC Class of 20203_1294-2SKMC Class of 20203_1294-2

 March 24

The SKMC Class of 2023 poses with faculty for their class photo on Lubert Plaza.


Philadelphia Speaker Series 2022-23 Scott Kelly-1389Philadelphia Speaker Series 2022-23 Scott Kelly-1389

  March 27

Former NASA astronaut and retired United States Navy Captain Scott Kelly shares some of his experiences during the Philadelphia Speaker Series held at the Kimmel Center for Performing Arts sponsored by Thomas Jefferson University.


Bon Ku MD Investiture-5203Bon Ku MD Investiture-5203 Bon Ku MD Investiture-1309Bon Ku MD Investiture-1309

 April 26

Dr. Bon S. Ku is endowed as the Marta and Robert Adelson Professor of Medicine and Design during his investiture ceremony.


location portraits jan to may 2023location portraits jan to may 2023

Pictured is a selection of the clinicians, staff, faculty and students we have photographed between January and May.

Pictured from top: Clockwise from upper left: Kim Douglas, Kim Zamora, Nora Kramer, Kathryn Schaffer, Lisa Phillips, Aroub Alfraihat, Karina Plotnikova, Craig Griffen and Gregory Armani.


Night of Champions 2023 Magee-1859Night of Champions 2023 Magee-1859  May 5

Magee holds their annual Night of Champions fundraiser at Penn's Landing Caterers.


199th Commencement Kimmel Center 05-23-23 230pm-9944199th Commencement Kimmel Center 05-23-23 230pm-9944 199th Commencement Kimmel Center 05-24-23 10am SKMC-2955199th Commencement Kimmel Center 05-24-23 10am SKMC-2955

grad collage 2023grad collage 2023

199th Commencement CC 05-11-23 230pm Nursing-7101199th Commencement CC 05-11-23 230pm Nursing-7101 May 11, 23 and 24

Jefferson Commencement ceremonies are held at the Convention Center and Kimmel Center. Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli performed.


Jefferson Plaza at East Market Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting-2680Jefferson Plaza at East Market Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting-2680 June 14

A ribbon cutting ceremony is held for the grand opening of Jefferson Plaza, which is a public space adjacent to the Honickman Center, set to be finished in the Spring of 2024.


Investiture of Kate FitzPatrick-3552Investiture of Kate FitzPatrick-3552 June 27

Kate FitzPatrick is endowed as the Connelly Foundation Chief Nurse Executive Officer during an investiture ceremony.


SKMC White Coat Ceremony 2023-4443SKMC White Coat Ceremony 2023-4443

collage2023-2collage2023-2 July 21

Sidney Kimmel Medical College holds their White Coat Ceremony at the Crystal Tea Room.


SKMC Faculty Awards Dinner 2022-9527SKMC Faculty Awards Dinner 2022-9527 July 31

Dr. Mark Tykocinski steps down as President of TJU and Interim Sidney Kimmel Medical College Dean.


East Falls Dr. Susan Aldridge-4224East Falls Dr. Susan Aldridge-4224 August 1

Dr. Susan Aldridge starts her tenure as interim University president as pictured on East Falls campus.


East Falls Move-In 2023-5662East Falls Move-In 2023-5662 East Falls Move-In 2023-5582East Falls Move-In 2023-5582 East Falls Convocation-7492East Falls Convocation-7492  August 17

Freshman move in and Convocation is held at East Falls Campus to kick off the new school year.


PA Studies Long White Coat Ceremony-6770PA Studies Long White Coat Ceremony-6770 August 18

Physician Assistant Studies holds their Long White Coat Ceremony.


new office door_8536 copynew office door_8536 copy new studio 2023_7788 copynew studio 2023_7788 copy

September 14

Photography Services, as well as our colleagues in Media Services including Video, Graphics, Medical Illustration and Administration, moved to our beautiful, new location on the 8th floor of the Curtis building, 1015 Walnut Street.


23rd Annual Population Health Colloquium 2023-472823rd Annual Population Health Colloquium 2023-4728 September 18- 20

Jefferson's College of Population Health holds their 23rd Annual Population Health Colloquium at the Loews Hotel.


NJ Golf at Galloway National Golf Club-7082NJ Golf at Galloway National Golf Club-7082 September 19

Jefferson holds their 2023 New Jersey Golf Innovational in Galloway.


2023 Philadelphia Speaker Series_Van Jones-272023 Philadelphia Speaker Series_Van Jones-27   October 2

Van Jones holds a copy of his new book, before speaking at the Philadelphia Speaker Series.


SKMC Alumni Weekend-Campus Tour-9025SKMC Alumni Weekend-Campus Tour-9025 October 20-21

Sidney Kimmel Medical College holds their annual Alumni Weekend, complete with student-lead walking tours of Jefferson's campus.


Speaker Series-Jane Fonda-8184Speaker Series-Jane Fonda-8184   October 23

Jane Fonda is the guest speaker at the Philadelphia Speaker Series. 


Jefferson Police group photo -9838Jefferson Police group photo -9838 October 26

The first members of the newly formed Jefferson Police are sworn in at City Hall.


Jefferson Rowing-Navy Day 2023-10Jefferson Rowing-Navy Day 2023-10Photos by: Ellen C Miller October 28-29

Jefferson Women's Rowing Team competes in the Head of the Schuylkill Regatta.


Family and Community Medicine 2023-7890Family and Community Medicine 2023-7890 November 14

The Geriatrics Division Center for Healthy Aging Team has updated photos taken for their website and promotional materials.


Immersive Art for Wellbeing East Falls-Immersive Art for Wellbeing East Falls- Immersive Art for Wellbeing East Falls--50Immersive Art for Wellbeing East Falls--50

  November 14

Immersive Art for Wellbeing: A Deep Dive into Calm is held at Ravenhill Chapel on East Falls Campus. The instillation uses digital projection mapping to create a calming experience for students and staff.  


Dr. Takami Sato Portrait Ceremony-7679Dr. Takami Sato Portrait Ceremony-7679

Dr. Takami Sato Portrait Ceremony-8463Dr. Takami Sato Portrait Ceremony-8463

  November 15

A portrait unveiling ceremony is held in honor of Dr. Takami Sato. This portrait marks Jefferson's first portrait honoring an Asian American.


PT White Coat Ceremony-0293PT White Coat Ceremony-0293 November 16

Students pose for a photo on Lubert Plaza before participating in their PT White Coat Ceremony.


SKMC Retreat at the Museum of the Revolution-0726SKMC Retreat at the Museum of the Revolution-0726 SKMC Retreat at the Museum of the Revolution-0708SKMC Retreat at the Museum of the Revolution-0708 December 1

Sidney Kimmel Medical College holds their annual Curriculum Retreat at the Museum of the American Revolution. Dr. Said Ibrahim spoke during the retreat on his first day as the newly appointed Anthony F. and Gertrude M. DePalma Dean of SKMC.


21st Annual Jefferson Gala-087921st Annual Jefferson Gala-0879 21st Annual Jefferson Gala-893521st Annual Jefferson Gala-8935 21st Annual Jefferson Gala-895521st Annual Jefferson Gala-8955 December 6

Jefferson holds their 21st Annual Gala fundraiser at the Convention Center with over 900 attendees.


location portraits may to dec 2023location portraits may to dec 2023

Pictured is a selection of the clinicians, staff, faculty and students we have photographed between May through December.

Clockwise from upper left, then center:  Blake Weil, Kathryn Gindlesparger, Clancy Makachy, Valerie Hanson, Kevin Thompson, deep brain stimulation patient Eric, Darius Farzad, Ann and John Silvestri, Lisa Hoglund, Alex Krotulski, and Lilly.



Thank you to everyone we had the honor to meet and photograph in 2023!

Photo Services SNAPPED 2023Photo Services SNAPPED 2023




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